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Recent Ceremonies

Figuring out what to include (and what to leave out) of a wedding ceremony is perhaps the most difficult part of getting married. It's important for your ceremony to be 'personalized' - the elements and content should be meaningful to the two of you. As far as we're concerned, there are absolutely no rules, requirements, or regulations - your ceremony is yours! Here are some samples of recent ceremonies we've done.

Standard Non-Religious Ceremony

Standard Religious Ceremony

Matthew & Lynsey (Mr. Rogers, Velvetine Rabbit)

Todd & Amy (Ball & Chain, Right to Remain Silent)

Raul & Lisa (Miller Park)

Tom & Christine (Traditional)

Ian & Irene (Online Gaming, Seed Ceremony)

Andrew & Jennifer (Traditional, Sand Ceremony)

John & Amy (Traditional, Unusual Proposal)

Josh & Lauren (Traditional, Rose Ceremony)

Nick & Kristina (Non-religious, Personalized)